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The month of February is on and love is in the air. The much-awaited Valentine’s week starts with the Rose Day followed by Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and it ends with the Happy Valentine’s Day.
On the third day of the Valentine’s week, people celebrate “Chocolate Day” with great fervor and enthusiasm. On this day, lovers exchange chocolates and try to make their relationship sweeter. People can also use this day to forget bitterness in their relationship by gifting chocolates and spread happiness.
Here are a few messages that one can send to their loved ones:
-- Love is like drinking hot chocolate. It tastes amazing and keeps you warm in the years to come. Happy Chocolate Day!
-- Chocolate epitomizes luxury, comfort, sensuality, gratification, and love like no other food.Happy Chocolate Day!
-- Let's make a solemn promise of not to use brains where chocolates are concerned. Happy Chocolate Day!
-- On this special day, I love to share this chocolate with a person who transformed my life and made me fall deeper in your love every day.Happy Chocolate Day, My Love!
-- Let's celebrate our love with these delicious chocolates. After, khushi ke mauke par kuch mitha to banta hai! Happy Chocolate Day, baby!
-- There are just two things on this earth that can melt me: one is my girlfriend's smile and a box of chocolates. Happy Chocolate Day my lovely girlfriend!
-- I wish that your love always stays with me. For me, you are so precious and your sweetness makes my life so chocolaty & full of happiness.Happy Chocolate Day Dear!
-- This special message is for a special person, who is the reason for my happiness and prosperity.Your presence always makes my day.Happy Chocolate Day Honey!
-- Metaphorically speaking, chocolates are the healthiest of all food and my wife is the most ravishing woman in the world. Happy Chocolate Day!
-- My heart is as delicate as a chocolate, sprinkle the fruits and nuts of your love and care in it & make it sweeter. Loads of Chocolate Day wishes!